P: +61 (0) 459 623 296 | E: sales@greendow.com.au

StartUps Consulting

StartUps Consulting

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque massa ipsum, efficitur a fermen tum sed, suscipit sit amet arcu. Ut ut finibus tortor, eu ultrices turpis. Mauris vitae elit nec diam elementum elementum. Mauris ante quam, consequat ac nibh placerat, lacinia sollicitudin mi. Duis facilisis nibh quam, sit amet interdum tellus sollicitudin tempor. Curabitur aliquam erat in nisl lobortis, ut pellentesque lectus viverra.


Working with the clients over the project implementation

Hours of work our team has done in the construction
Tons of ice cut down to make the tracks
Engineers involved in the development of trains
Messages sent for the project communication


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque massa ipsum, efficitur a fermen tum sed, suscipit sit amet arcu. Ut ut finibus tortor, eu ultrices turpis. Mauris vitae elit nec diam elementum elementum.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque massa ipsum, efficitur a fermen tum sed, suscipit sit amet arcu. Ut ut finibus tortor, eu ultrices turpis. Mauris vitae elit nec diam elementum elementum. Mauris ante quam, consequat ac nibh placerat, lacinia sollicitudin mi. Duis facilisis nibh quam, sit amet interdum tellus sollicitudin tempor. Curabitur aliquam erat in nisl lobortis, ut pellentesque lectus viverra.

  • lacinia sollicitudin mi
  • facilisis nibh quam, sit amet interdum
  • consectetur adipiscing elit
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    Greendow Vertical Window Garden


    • Suitable for high-rise residential accommodation & commercial applications
    • Demand for indoor gardening in the Middle East is rapidly increasing due to the hot and arid climates that can make it difficult to grow plants outdoors. Indoor gardening provides a controlled environment that can help overcome this challenge.
    • Many cities around the world, including the M.East, are densely populated, have limited green spaces and experience dry climates. Greendow™ allows residents to bring nature into their homes, which can help to improve their overall quality of life.

    E.g., Abu Dhabi, UAE | Kuwait City, KUWAIT | Muscat, OMAN | Riyadh, SAUDI ARABIA | Etc.


    • Suitable for high-rise residential accommodation & commercial applications.
    • With high populations and limited outdoor space, Greendow™ allows people to grow plants and connect with nature, even in small apartments or homes.
    • Indoor plants have been shown to remove pollutants and improving air quality, important in populated cities with high levels of pollution.
    • Greendow™ allows people to grow fresh fruits and vegetables, even in the heart of the city, providing a source of healthy, locally-grown produce.

      E.g., Kowloon, HONG KONG | Beijing, CHINA | Guangzhou, CHINA | Shenzhen, CHINA | Mexico City, MEXICO | Etc.


    • Suitable for high-rise residential accommodation & commercial applications
    • Long, cold winters in the Northern hemisphere make it difficult to grow plants outdoors. Greendow™ provides a environment that allows people to grow fresh produce year-round.
    • Indoor plants thrive in indoors especially in areas that experience long periods of darkness or lowlight seasons.